About the As One Framework

As One Actions And Deliverables

Initiatives And Programs

shared history

shared learning


We acknowledge the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples of the lands, skies, oceans and beaches where we deliver our Life Saving services. They are the First Custodians, and we recognise their connection with these places continue to this day.

We pay our respect to the Elders, past and present, and extend that respect to to all Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. We ask that their ancient wisdom and intrinsic knowledge guide us, as we embark on this journey of acknowledgement, recognition and partnership… As One.


About the As One Framework


Initiatives and Programs

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A Shared History


Shared Learning

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people should be aware that this website contains images, voices and names of deceased persons.

Join the journey

  • If you need support in connecting with the Traditional Owners of your area as we work to build community relationships
  • If you’d like more information, are interested in adapting or adopting any of the initiatives outlined above, or want access to existing resources and support

Please contact Sunaina Jaswal, SLSQ’s DEI Manager, at [email protected].